
Plymouth Archaeology Society

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PAS Constitution


1. Name: The name of the Society shall be the PLYMOUTH ARCHAEOLOGY SOCIETY.

2. Objects:

2a. The Society seeks to promote the conservation of the historic environment, in Plymouth and the surrounding area of south east Cornwall, the Tamar Valley, the South Hams and Dartmoor.

2b. The objects, aims and actions of the Society shall be for the enjoyment, benefit and education of the public, for archaeological research and for promotion of interest in and preservation of monuments, artefacts and records of the past.

2(c) Application of income & capital: The Committee must apply the income and capital in furthering the objects.

3. Membership: Membership of the Society shall be open to all persons who shall pay the subscription appropriate to their class of membership. The Society shall comprise:-

(a) Ordinary Full Members - who are entitled to vote at General Meetings, eligible to serve on any committee and to hold office;

(b) Joint Full Members – i.e. members of the same family or household who shall have the privileges of Ordinary Full Members except that no more than two representatives shall be entitled to vote at General Meetings;

(c) Student Members – who are bona fide full-time students aged under 23 or members aged under 18, who shall have the privileges of Ordinary Full Members;

(d) Institutional Members - who shall be entitled to nominate a representative who may vote on behalf of the member institution. The annual subscription shall be due on the 1st October. Those members whose subscriptions remain unpaid by the 1st January shall cease to be entitled to the privileges of membership until the subscription is paid.

4. Financial Year: The Society’s Financial Year shall be from 1st October to the 30th September.

5. Annual General Meetings: The Society shall hold its Annual General Meeting on a day as close to the 1st December as possible. The Agenda at this meeting shall include:- Report by the Chairman; Presentation of the Accounts; Election of Officers; Election of the Committee; Establishment of the Annual Subscription Rate. Notice of the Annual General Meeting and request for nominations shall be given in writing to all paid up members not less than three weeks before the next Annual General Meeting.

6. Committee: The management and control of the Society shall be in the hands of a committee consisting of members not exceeding thirteen to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. The Museum Officer responsible for curating archaeological objects & records in the Plymouth City Museums Archives and the Officer responsible for Heritage in the Planning Department of Plymouth City Council shall ex-officio be members of the Committee. The Committee may appoint any member of the Society to fill a casual vacancy and may from time to time co-opt not more than two additional members until the next Annual General Meeting.

7. Honorary Officers: The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Minute Secretary and whatever other officers the Committee shall consider from time to time to be necessary.

8. Elections: Nominations for the position of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and committee members must be made in writing, duly proposed and seconded and received by the Secretary not less than seven days before the Annual General Meeting. The Chairman shall be elected annually and may be eligible for re-election for a period